As our area farmers wrap up their Fall Harvest, some farmers are reporting record or elevated yields this year due to the weather seeming to cooperate throughout the summer.
Additionally, we are seeing crop prices higher than many years past which is increasing the value of the crop inventory on hand.
If your farm is experiencing these elevated yields and prices, you may want to meet with your insurance agent to review your peak season coverage. The amount of coverage from years past may not be enough to cover your peak season inventory should a loss occur.
Wait? What is Peak Season Coverage?
Peak Season Coverage is extra coverage that can be added to a Farmowners Policy to cover a specific period of time when inventory of crops is higher (or at it's peak for the year). The farm inventory for crops and seed is normally elevated right after harvest in the Fall and right before planting in the Spring. Adding Peak Season coverage to a Farmowners Policy allows us to cover these elevated inventories without charging an elevated premium for the entire year. For more information, ask your insurance agent!