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FRHS Distracted Driving Seminar

We are thrilled to announce that just in time for Prom, Fort Recovery Insurance Agency and Buckeye Insurance have come together with Fort Recovery Local Schools to sponsor a distracted driving seminar for Fort Recovery High School Sophomore through Senior students!

The International Save a Life Tour will take place on Wednesday, April 21st -- just two days before Fort Recovery's Prom. The international safe driving program includes hands-on Texting and Impaired Driving Virtual Reality Driving Simulators to give the students hands-on learning on how their driving can be impaired by distractions.

The Save A Life Tour is a comprehensive high impact safe driving awareness program that informs, educates, and demonstrates the potentially deadly consequences resulting from poor choices and decisions made by the operator of a motor vehicle. The program specifically places emphasis on the following driving situations: Distracted Driving, Impaired Driving, Driver Experience, Improper Driver Behavior and Seat Belt Usage. The Save A Life Tour utilizes several methods for educating including; video presentation, speaking presentation, interactive demonstration with simulators, pre and post surveys and take-a-ways including a pledge card and a wristband.

In line with our agency's mission, our office is always trying to promote safe driving habits to all clients, but especially our youthful drivers. The next few days, you will notice our social media will be focused on safe driving tips leading up to Fort Recovery's Prom. We wish all students and staff a very fun and safe 2021 Prom!

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